in case of emergency press
2018 Chapbooks Information
Five new chapbooks to be published!

How to submit
Our final project for 2018 will be the publication of a series of up to five chapbooks of new poetry. These will be issued in a uniform edition and published in the last quarter of 2018.
Collections may include some previously published poems, but should emphasize new, unpublished work. We are happy to consider collections of individual poems, but would also like to see any cycles of poems, or series of connected poems. We will also consider longer poems.
Bear in mind that the chapbooks should be around 20 ~ 40 pages in length.

Collections should be emailed as an attachment as a single file in Word, PDF, or Open Document format. The reason we want the poems in a single file is to ensure that they are read (and, with luck, published) in the correct order. The file extensions allowed are .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .odt. Please include a brief bio in the body of the email.
Send your submissions to
by the
30th September 2018 . The email address will be disabled after this date and any late entries will disappear in a cyber hole.
The file size should be less than 10MB.
What happens if selected for publication?
If we select your work for publication, we will send you an email and a contract. The terms of the contract are pretty straightforward: we require non-exclusive rights to publish the work for a period set out in the contract. Non-exclusive means that we don't preclude you publishing exactly the same work with anyone else at any time in any form, but be aware that having agreed to our non-exclusive rights, you may be unable to assign exclusive rights to anyone else while the contract is valid. Happy to discuss.
Once you are happy with the contract, we will create an electronic copy of the text block for you to review. Once you have reviewed the electronic copy, we will create a printed, proof copy of your work and send it to you for your review and approval. You may make changes as you see fit. Note that we do not provide second or subsequent printed, proof copies. You will have to rely on electronic copies if you make further changes.
When the final draft is approved, we print and bind copies of your chapbook. We lodge legal deposit copies with the State Library of Victoria and with the National Library in Canberra, but we do not create an ISBN for chapbooks. (We can if you want to, but this will incur a charge of $20.00.) We will send you two copies for yourself.
We don't pay an advance. We sell your chapbook through our website and you will earn $2.00 for each sale. You won't make your fortune. We also create a separate page for your chapbook which you can promote yourself through your own web page, social media, etc. Each sale made through this "author's page" will earn you $4.00 . This is the most generous royalty in Australian publishing and acknowledges that you will largely be responsible for the number of sales you make and rewards you accordingly. Note that the provision of an author's page and the special payment rate is made at our discretion and is not a contractural obligation. We just do it coz we're nice. To see an mock-up of an author's page, click here .
We send copies of all works we publish to several media outlets for review, including Fairfax, the ABC, and The Garret. Alas, there is no guarantee of any of these organisation reviewing the work and always the chance that, if they do, you won't like the verdict. C'est la vie. If you have a local media outlet which has expressed interest in reviewing your work, we are happy to send them a review copy, but please check with them first to assess the likelihood of their reviewing it.
If you want to purchase copies to sell yourself, we sell them to you at a special author's discount, but you must purchase copies in units of 10 to qualify for the discount.

What are you waiting for? Send your submissions to by the 30th September 2018 .
Got questions? Feel free to ask them of