Page 24 - Demo
P. 24

                                    Bozo's Obstacle10The Fruit BelieverIt was her impassioned crusadeto reach out to her brethren,to convert them with the word,the genuine article, to spreadthe knowledge, incontrovertible,of lycopene in tomatoes,flavonoids in grapes, andprocyanidins in apples, naturalwonder ingredients all, whichcould ward off cancer, indigestion,diabetes, phantom limb, and allother ills, that led her to proselytizeon street corners, dawn to dusk,to each and every passerby,and at day%u2019s end, with a surplusof advice and bags upon bagsof fruit, to hunker downoutside the Metro station,under pouring rain, offering it all,even bananas, provitamin A andcarotenoid-loaded, to anyone opento warding off infirmity,and she grew more blissful,secure in her belief, and convincedof her mission, the moreshe trumpeted the holinessof fruit and distributed the cure,never neglecting to withholda portion for herself, all the whileattempting without great successto curtail the intermittent coughingbrought on by the chronic emphysemafatally seeded in her lungs.
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