Page 31 - Demo
P. 31
Bozo's Obstacle17Final Days%u201cOriental Rug EmergencyLiquidation Sale%u201d advertisedthe sandwich board signs Aframing the old man%u2019s torso.His face was blisteredby days of unrelenting sun.His shoulders achedfrom waving at motorists,and he hopped from onesore foot to the other.The dance and heatwere wearing him thin.His balance on the curbshaky, he shouted to trafficentrenched motoriststo turn into the rug lot.He wasn%u2019t lookingfor handouts but didn%u2019tturn down the dollaror two offered in passing.From a bus kiosk, a teenager,friends in shadow, tossed hima bottle of doctored up beer.He smiled and downed itin five quick gulps. In no time,his expression soured. He flungoff the boards, and sprintedto the Sunoco station%u2019s bathroom.