Page 35 - Demo
P. 35

                                    Bozo's Obstacle21Veterans%u2019 AffairsDown in the battle-encrusted streets,another veteran grips my nosewith a garlic press, and shoves meup against a wall. Menacingly,he accuses my heart of beatingtoo loudly. I don%u2019t flinch. %u201cYouare dead wrong, Charley,%u201d I counter.%u201cI am one of you.%u201d He rips the purpleheart from my chest, and flicks itin front of an oncoming tank. I order himto attention. He lets go of my noseand yells back, %u201cScrew you, Charley,%u201dand makes a break for it. I fireinto the air. He drops. I drop.We crawl towards each other, reachout to reconcile. Another veteranjumps from the tank, one leglanding on each of our behinds.%u201cGiddyup, Charleys,%u201d he urgesus on, horsewhipping our backs.Humbled, we break into a trot.
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