Page 42 - Demo
P. 42

                                    Bozo's Obstacle28World PeaceIt was a wild goose chase, I should have known from the start,down Market, Maine, Jefferson, Fourth, Porter and Third.With the smoke, flames, and devastation, I couldn%u2019t find my wayback to the staging zone, and settled for a mostly empty parking lotfar from the action and off the grid. The sudden quietgave me a wicked headache. Another lost soul offered mea snort, on the house, but I%u2019d been there once too often.The stars were coming out as I struggled to assemble the 3-Djigsaw puzzle of world peace I%u2019d been lugging aroundsince the hostilities began%u2014fifty thousand unlabeled plasticpieces. I unscrolled the faded and waterlogged three footsquare picture I needed to recreate in space. The %u201canswer key%u201don the back was equally unreadable. Passersby couldn%u2019t resistputting in their two cents worth but they knew no moreabout world peace than me. The job was wearing me outand, honestly, my heart wasn%u2019t all that into it. With nightupon me, I was sure to lose my way if I tried to retraceThird, Porter, Fourth%u2026 who remembers? I left the piecesscattered on the lot, and grabbed a bowl of potato soupfrom the passing food wagon. A few blocks away, I foundmyself a patch of green lawn, a rarity in those parts. I zippedup my sleeping bag and watched the stars. Far off, I heardthe hum of grenades, rifle fire, rockets%u2014familiar soundsto lull me to sleep. Could it get any better than this?
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