Page 43 - Demo
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                                    Bozo's Obstacle29Lucky CatsWith a film of clammy misery wrappedaround you all day, rain was inevitable.It delivered while you stood transfixed in frontof the six ducks in the Chinatown storefront,hanging by their necks. On the pink-stained sillunderneath, lucky cats, multi-colored glazed ceramic,half-price, were bobbing their smiling, springloaded heads and waving their paws. Outside,sheltered by the awning, and bundled betweenblankets piled as high as your waist, Walter,itinerant, homeless, harmless, was the livingmember of the tableau, and this by a thread.As always, he brought you closer to yourself,and under the gray, saturated sky, you were kin.You gently sprinkled a few coins into his bowl.His eyes, peering out from the layers, thankedyou. In a muffled voice he added that somedayhe%u2019d come out of it. You assured him thatyou had no doubt, and went inside the storefor two lucky cats, one to gift, and one to keep.
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